Have a question? Find the answer below.


What are the age requirements for each class?
The Caterpillar (2-Day) Class is for children from ages 2.5 to 3 (children must be 2.5 by September 1). The Chrysalis (3-Day) Class is for children from ages 3 to 4. The Butterfly (5-Day) Class is for children from ages 4 to 5.

May I enroll my 4-year-old child in the Caterpillar (2-Day) Class? May I enroll my 2.5 year old child in the Chrysalis (3-Day) Class?
No. Please see above for age requirements. Our classes are carefully structured around what is developmentally appropriate for the children, which is why the number of days they attend is dependent upon their age group.

What is the adult to child ratio?
We hold a 1:7 ratio.  We strive to keep a high adult to child ratio to provide the best care for our children.

Does my child need to be vaccinated?
Yes. In accordance with state law, all enrolled children must show proof of current vaccination unless they have a medical exemption. Starting January 1, 2021: Medical exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry - Medical Exemption website (https://cair.cdph.ca.gov/exemptions/home) licensed in California. Required vaccines include DTap, Polio, Hep B, MMR, Hib, and Varicella.

Will my child be permitted to take their shoes off in the rain?
In fully supporting their growing autonomy, children are allowed to make the choice to take off their shoes, socks, and clothing (down to their diapers/underpants) at Monarch Preschool at all times of the year in any type of weather. While we will read your child’s body language and suggest a jacket or shoes in inclement weather, we will not force a child to keep these items on or put them back on once they have been removed. There is medical evidence-based literature proving that children will not catch a cold from playing in the rain in wet clothing or without their shoes and we will happily provide this literature at your request.

Does my child need to be potty trained? How are bathroom needs handled?
Children are not required to have obtained full toilet learning skills, however, it is recommended for Chrysalis (3-Day) and Butterfly (5-Day). As a child-directed school, we encourage the children to monitor their own toileting needs, especially once the child has fully developed toilet learning. The teachers will be happy to help your child by being observant of their body language and suggesting a visit to the bathroom at appropriate intervals during the learning process. There are no scheduled diaper changes or bathroom visits throughout the day. If a child asks to use the restroom or soils their diaper or clothing, one of the teachers will take the child to the bathroom and assist as needed.

How does the school handle discipline? What happens if a child is upset?
At Monarch Preschool, we believe that all behavior is an attempt to meet a need. We will cover this more in-depth during new parent orientation. The teaching staff uses active listening and provides the tools to help children learn healthy communication and conflict resolution. It is always our #1 priority to ensure that all children are safe within our care.

What do I need to provide for my child each school day?
A bucket will be provided by the school for each child. In this bucket, please ensure to pack extra clothes, diapers and wipes (if needed), a full water bottle, and a healthy lunch (if your child is participating in the Butterfly program).

How does the school handle food allergies?
We can accommodate most dietary restrictions and are happy to discuss your child’s needs.

Are snacks and meals provided?
A healthy snack is provided for each class. We follow the state licensing requirement that snacks consists of at least two (2) food groups and we try to use whole, organic foods whenever possible. We serve water as a beverage every day. Snack time is primarily to provide active children with a small amount of nutritious food in the time between breakfast and lunch. It also serves as a community building activity for children where they can share conversation as well as food. We also use the preparation of food as a learning experience and include many cooking activities throughout the year.

Children may not bring snacks from home to eat during school time, unless there is an extreme medical condition noted by a doctor. It is also important that children learn to regulate their self-care needs. Preschool children should be able to go without their own food for the short time of the preschool class.

Meals are not provided. At 12 PM, the Butterfly children eat a nutritious lunch brought from home together as a class in the yard, picnic-style. Please refrain from packing candy or soda in your child’s lunch.

What are Parent Service days?
Parents share in the care and creation of the school; we have a beautiful space and we all take pride in helping take care of it. Tasks may include gardening, cleaning, organizing, painting, repairing, building, etc. Service days are held one Saturday each month.  All families are required to attend two a year — one in the fall and one in the spring.